“Made in Africa with e-waste 3D printer” At the beginning of all this, there is a closeness identified by Sename Koffi Agbodjinou between on one hand “hacker ethic” – open source and also the values values of African traditional societies. To highlight this paradoxical correspondence, an original approach of technology – with the goal to put it within the reach of everyone including the lowest strata of society- has been theorized: #LowHighTech. Born in its wake and always under open source and collaborative bucket: an african smart city project : #HubCité and #WoeLab the first African Democracy Technology Space. But most famous and the one that best embodies #LowHighTech philosophy is the W.Afate 3D printer in recycled materials. This is the first african contribution to the 3D print technology presented as being at the source of a new industrial revolution. And it isn’t the least with its qualities of ecology, simplicity and economy of this machine. With several original social programs already driven (3DprintAfrica Con; 3Dprint- Cyber- Cafes ; 3DprintEducative, etc) W.Afate is now at the heart of what, with #LowHighTech, seems a real vision of development for Africa involving a community of twenty members. It is a magnificent figure of the power of co-creation spaces and one of the symbols of the contemporary ‘Collaborative’ and ‘Commons’ movement Author: Sename Koffi Agbodjinou. Architect, anthropologist, Founder & catalyst L’Africaine d’architecture, WoeLab.